Welcome to DT's Ironman Blog!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Training update

Well IMFL is a mere 3+ weeks away.  There are times that I feel ready and other times of sheer panic.  All in all, I think I am getting close but it’s hard to know until you get to the day.  IM training is an interesting experience…you spend a lot of time logging sick hours biking, running, swimming, (often by yourself) and it all comes down to one day.  Illness and weather can play a huge part in the day you have, and they are clearly outside of your control.  Everyone around me is sick…my business partner (you Chris), my kids, clients…  I have put myself in a bit of a “shell” to try and avoid contact with sick people!  Too much training goes into this thing to let something like illness sidetrack you at the last minute.  Come the end of the day, you can only control so much and my fate is not in my hands…


Training has been going well…104 miles on the bike last weekend, followed by a 15 minute run to get the legs turning over.  Yesterday, I ran 18 miles.  My goal is to have 2-3 BIG training days a week, with lots of solid, smaller training days in between.  Both of these days represent milestones for me personally.  The 104 miles was a challenge, but not as hard as I thought it was going to be.  That’s a good sign that my lead up weeks where I was doing 80 to 95 miles have been ample.  The day after the 104 mile ride, I woke up and could tell that I had ridden a long way the day before, but I was not sore.  The legs just felt a bit drained.  For yesterday’s run, I ran hard through the entire run but the last mile was at 8 minutes per mile.  I typically do not run that fast and I was pretty sure that I was either going to puke or pass out or maybe even both.  I had visions of blacking out and vomiting all over myself on the way down to the ground, then waking up with a crowd standing over me with looks of concern and disgust.  That being said, when I was done, I was pretty wiped out and I anticipated being sore today.  The good news is that I was not sore at all today, which means that my running miles have been decent as well. 


On another note, thanks to all of you who have contributed to our fundraising efforts for Brent’s Place.  It’s an incredibly worthwhile charity that helps families with kids who have cancer and need treatment at Children’s Hospital.  It provides a clean, safe home away from home for families.  We’re moving things along in terms of fundraising and very much appreciate everyone’s thoughts, prayers, and donations.  We are competing with other athletes in the Janus Charity Challenge and hope to be in a position where Janus will make a significant donation if we finish at the top.  If you can help us get there, we’d appreciate it and there is a good chance you’ll feel reaaalllllyyyy good about yourself, as well you should!





Friday, October 3, 2008

Welcome to the Blog!

As you know by now, we (my family and I) are raising money for Brent’s Place, a non-profit that provides temporary housing for families with children with cancer.  Not only do these kids need to be close to Children’s Hospital for treatments and emergencies, but they also need a “clean” environment since most of their immune systems are depressed.  Brent’s Place is a wonderful solution to families and their sick kids.  Please help us by donating to this worthy cause!


I update this blog with training information every day or every couple of days so stay tuned!   Tomorrow (Sat 10/4), I have a 6 hour bike ride followed by a 20 minute run.  You can also check out my training schedule (which I keep reasonably up to date) by clicking on the link on the right that says TRAINING LOG.


Thanks for checking in!
